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  • 2019-AndyBoswellStudios-LifeOfAPotter-Episode4-NoGlazeCatchers-TitleSlide-Edit.jpg
    • 11/2/22

    Vlog Episode #4 - 2019

    In this video Andy goes over his glazing technque and reveals a big secret. He does not use glaze catches even though everyone else in the industry does.

    For more detailed and thorough tutorials that show throwing, trimming and glazing, check out the video tutorials in the Membership Section.

  • 2019-AndyBoswellStudios-LifeOfAPotterEpisode3-TitleSlide-Edit.jpg
    • 11/2/22

    Vlog Episode #3 - 2019

    In this Vlog episode Andy introduce a new form and talk about the business side.; production technique, glaze test fails and how hard it is to start a pottery business.

    For more detailed and thorough tutorials that show throwing, trimming and glazing, check out the video tutorials in the Membership Section.

  • 2019-AndyBoswellStudios-LifeOfAPotter-Episode2-TitleSlide-Edit.jpg
    • 11/2/22

    Vlog Episode #2 - 2019

    This is the first real episode Andy gives a more indepth look at his life as a potter. Specifically; glaze testing, throwing, trimming, work flow and how over whelming it can all be.

    For more detailed and thorough tutorials that show throwing, trimming and glazing, check out the video tutorials in the Membership Section.

  • 2019-AndyBoswellStudios-LifeOfAPotter-Episode1-TitleSlide-Edit.jpg
    • 11/2/22

    Vlog Episode #1 - 2019

    An introduction to Andy and his new vlog series. Shorter video little something, something to get things started.

    For more detailed and thorough tutorials that show throwing, trimming and glazing, check out the video tutorials in the Membership Section.

If you are looking for more content to learn from, consider subscribing to the Video Tutorial Membership for more in depth information related to throwing and crystalline glazes.

You can also find excellent recordings of workshops I did for purchase on and

I was also interviewed for a podcast, Episode #66 of Shaping Your Pottery with Nic Torres.